The purpose of the University Records Management program at George Mason University is to assist the university community to maintain compliance with university policies, retention requirements set by the Commonwealth of Virginia, as well as federal and international laws, related to the life cycle of public records. URM consults on procedures and policies, as well as collaborates with other records and information-oriented units in this work. University employees routinely create, receive, use, and destroy records in the normal course of business, and records management provides rules and a structure for ensuring that all of these processes happen in a way that fits with our operational needs and our legal responsibilities. These policies apply to records in paper and electronic format.
Our mission is to assist all University offices and programs with their records processes. We provide training and consultations about state and university policies regarding the retention and disposition (i.e., destruction) of official records through active education, including the application of best records practices across the campus. URM is responsible for providing secure services to ensure the proper retention and disposition of our public records in both paper and electronic format.
George Mason University public records serve as evidence of business conducted and as a means of transparency and accountability to our community and the citizens of Virginia. Following proper records management policies and procedures protects Mason against litigation, security breaches, and loss of vital information.
Mason’s records are intertwined with the university’s information management and data security process. The URM program is committed to communication and collaboration across the community. In addition to maintaining a permanent position on the Architectural Standards Review board, University Records Management also regularly collaborates with information management and data stakeholders such as the Office of University Counsel, Information Technology Services, the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Mason’s FOIA officer.